Thursday, April 7, 2016

Editing Software

 For this project, it took my a while to weigh out my editing software options. I personally do not have own a Mac and all my friends who have iMovie are either using it or cannot loan me their laptops. Seeing that Apple doesn't provide a free trial for iMovie and that I am extremely cheap, I have decided to download the free trail  for Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015. I've had previous experience with Premiere Pro in my short-lived time in TV Production freshman year, but obviously the software has changed since then. A couple of tutorials and some jogs down memory lane, and I was ready to edit!
There's been only one major problem with Adobe on my computer and it's that it ALWAYS LAGS.  Like, always. I've browsed on a handful of forums and asked my instructor what the answer to this problem could be and they all said that I  had to clean out the storage on my laptop to make more room for the software. Let me tell ya, this was a lengthy process. After about an hour of sorting through years of files, I deleted a substantial amount of things to make my editing process much smoother. 
Bye bye thousands of files!

stay cool, kmp

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